WhatsApp Group Blaster can automatically create groups,send messages in the groups and then leave. It is high efficient for broadcasting messages to bulk users.

- Send messages on all WhatsApp platform (Android, iPhone and others)
- Text, image (jpg, png), location, vCard, audio (mp3), video(avi, mp4), document (txt, pdf, csv, doc)
- Autosave report
- Encoding messages (End-to-End Encryption)
- Don’t need Android emulators!!!
- Easy to use
- Set Profile Picture on channel and group
- Create Group and send messages, then leave group
System requirements for all softwares:
– Windows 7 (with installed all updates), 8, 8.1, 10 (Windows XP not supported)
– 50 Mb free space on hard disk
– good internet connection
– installed microsoft visual c++ 2015 redistributable.
– installed Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
- License key valid for 6 months!
- if we have updated version and your license still alive, you can get free update!
- Any WhatsApp software need hash channels (accounts) to work.
- No free channels given when updates come, we only give free 5 channels on the first purchase for testing only.
- After tested channels get blocked or banned, You can buy channels or create channels
- You can get 10% discount for extend if you extend before your license EXPIRED